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Deni Winter 2020 - First Collection

Through the experience of creating my first line I faced many struggles. I worked with a fabric that I had never worked with before and I threw myself into starting my own company. I had little to no idea what I was doing. All I knew was what I loved to do and hoped that would be enough. I faced many struggles and challenges when going through the process of developing my first line. I struggled with making the pattern, sewing the skirts, building the website, and accepting help. Wanting to do it all on my own, I had very little financial success. However, the lessons that I learned, skills that I developed, and passion that I felt provided me with enough validation and encouragement which allowed me to realize that I could do it again, but this time, do it even better.


Deni Spring/Summer 2021 - Second Collection

When developing my second line I felt as though I had a better grip on the process, but still had very little knowledge and experience with having my own company. Going into the spring I knew that I wanted to make the same style of skirts. I wanted to keep practicing sewing them so that I could get better and better. I also knew that I wanted to work with 100% linen fabric, not only because it is a cool/breezy fabric made from natural fibers, but because it is also my mom's favorite.


In February 2021 my dad and I took a trip to Nevada to visit my Grammie. While there we hiked in Red Rock Canyon. I was immediately soothed by the sage of the vegetation, and natural brown, tan, and red tones of the mountains. I was inspired. What better colors to make my natural linen skirts out of then that of the  earth. 


As soon as we got back I started sewing right away. For this line I sewed a total of 23 skirts (where in my last line I only sewed 4) and 6 bags. Reaching out to as many people as I could, I was fortunate enough to have my skirts in a special consumer event as well as two stores in Raleigh. This was the first time I sold to people who did not know who I was. It was an indescribable feeling to have someone want my product solely based on the values, hard work, and love that I put into it. This collection sold far better then the one before and I was able to learn so much more about networking, consumer experience, and store retail. 

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